Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Textos que falam comigo

I have the memory of a conversation with a friend of mine that, at some point, said something of the kind "It was like he was talking to me." I feel it too, once in a while. I guess that's when you grasp the real pleasure of reading. You start reading and you forget what you are actually doing. The words you read and your mind unite in one single state. I could just as well say that I agree with the author... However, for me, agreeing is one thing, acquiescing is another; you give in, you surrender to what is printed or uttered as if there is no other way to transmit it. Haven’t you often felt you had the word on the tip of your tongue? Haven't you almost yell "Exactly, that is exactly what I mean!"? Anyway, I'm not claiming a finding here, just rephrasing how one can be shaken by simple things such as paper and whatever coloured-scribbling.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Surpresas da Natureza e da Fotografia

Encontrei estas palavras:

"Sempre nunca
Talvez sempre
Nunca talvez
Quando puder
Poder quando
Enquanto der
Entre tantos cantos
Esperamos entretantos
Que possam querer poder
Para que aconteça

Monday, February 06, 2006


"Today we're all sick and tired of such play-acting - of constantly repeating the same thing in different words; of trying to give earnest assurances of what everyone was sure of long ago; (...)"

A. Pushkin, in Eugene Onegin
Está tudo dito e isto foi escrito na primeira metade do séc XIX! Ainda hoje é assim...
"Think of that?"

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Tempo, tempo, tempo e ideias

Preciso de tempo e de ideias. Por isso, o meu primeiro cometário do meu primeiro blog será assim mesmo, desajeitado e sem fecundidades de... ideais. I need more time!!!!!
Para a próxima será melhor. Mas não desta vez.

